How International Arbitration Works?

As a business owner, do you know about your options for dispute resolution? Indulging in the long and lengthy court procedures is the one way to go about it. However, it is not the only method that businesses use to settle their conflicts of interests with other firms. Arbitration is another dispute settlement method that …

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Different Costs involved in the LCIA Arbitration

The LCIA provides services for adjudication, arbitration, mediation, and ADR. It is important to note that the institution provides the necessary support for parties and for the arbitral tribunal throughout the proceedings rather than resolving the dispute. Parties may also resort to the LCIA in ad hoc proceedings. In this case, the institution will act …

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How Arbitration Can Help You When Dispute Arises?

When the dispute occurs, arbitration is considered as the best dispute resolution method for both the parties. If two parties are involved in the dispute then either party is at liberty to issue a notice of dispute. The notice of dispute need only make mention of the fact that there is a dispute or difference, although …

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The Concept of Contributory Negligence in Investment Arbitration

Contributory negligence in investment arbitration is the circumstance where an injured party has materially contributed, to the damage caused by an internationally wrongful act of a State by a negligent act or omission. In order to limit or reduce the amount of compensation, the contribution of the injured party is taken into consideration by arbitral …

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4 Important Factors to Consider For Investment Arbitration

When going for investment arbitration, it is important to consider many things. Some of the important things are given below: 1. Cost The parties must cover the expenses of the arbitral tribunal, the arbitration institution, the experts’ fees, as well as the legal fees of the counsels. Statically, average claimant costs were USD 4,437,000 and average respondent …

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How Can You Maintain the Confidentiality of Arbitration? Let’s see

If one organization had established their business to a distinct country with their corporation partners, the disputes or conflict of interest is an inevitable issue. International arbitration has become the preferred solution to resolve these disputes in global, due to its nature of privacy and confidentiality. It would be preferable if parties can resolve the …

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3 Common Myths About Arbitration Cost

Indeed, international arbitration has become an effective and common way to resolve the dispute. However, there are several myths surrounding the arbitration’s costs, which put people off for choosing it. Below are some of the myths and truths about the arbitration costs: Myth # 1: Expensive Dispute Resolution Method People avoid choosing this dispute resolution …

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Are You Wondering If Arbitration Is Good or Bad For Your Business

When it comes to starting a new business, investment and working with other businesses is common. Many companies expand their trade by investing in a joint venture with other companies while some others take firms’ help in their daily operations. Most of the tasks performed by companies are usually completed with mutual understanding, trust, and …

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Why it’s Better to Choose Aceris Law’s France Arbitration Lawyers to Resolve Disputes

Among so many international arbitration law firms, Aceris Law has a dedicated team of lawyers which accompanies clients involved in arbitrations concerning France, where French law applies, a contract is executed in France, the dispute is brought by or against a party in France, or the French State or a French State entity is involved. …

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What Makes International Arbitration an Effective Dispute Resolution Method?

As common these days, most of the companies include an international arbitration agreement in their commercial contracts. If you are a company owner and considering investing a substantial amount of money for your international business development, an international arbitration agreement should be included in the commercial contracts. Below are some of the reasons that make …

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